How To Reset Navien Tankless Water Heater? Admirable Complete Guide
Is your water heater not working properly or displaying an odd number on display, but you don’t know what it means? Do you want to know how to reset Navien tankless water heater? If so, this guide is for you.
Like any other home appliance, your tankless water heater will surprise you with an unexpected Navien error code 110 eventually. Unluckily, it occurs always at an unpropitious time.
When a problem arises, your device will exhibit an error code on its LCD on the front. Obviously, it is not a pleasant experience, but it will help you figure out what is wrong with your unit.
You will be able to take action to resolve it at the right time. There are a huge number of distinct Navien error codes e351 that help with resolving the problem. You can solve some issues by resetting the unit, but others require additional work.
This article will provide you detailed information about Navien flow sensor problems and error codes along with their meaning and recommended fix.
You can mostly troubleshoot an issue on your own by using some tools, but you will have to hire professional services to fix complex issues.

How To Reset Navien Tankless Water Heater? Error Codes Breakdown
Tankless machines integrate complex technology, so errors and problems can occur at any moment. Below we will offer you a breakdown of different Navien water heater error codes and their solutions.
Error Code E003
Navien error code 003 how to fix indicates that there is an ignition failure in your unit.
Error Code E004
It means the false flame is detected in your device.
Error Code E012
It tells you that there was a flame loss.
Error Code E016
It means the heat exchanger is overheated.
Error Code E030
It informs you that the exhaust is overheating. The heater turns off automatically when the flue pipe surpasses 149 degrees Fahrenheit.
Error Code E046
It indicates that there is something wrong with limit control.
Error Code E047
It informs about the exhaust thermostat’s abnormality.
Error Code E060
When you see this code on display, it becomes compulsory to grab information about how to reset Navien tankless water heater. The number tells about the unusual operation of the Dual venturi.
Error Code E109
It provides information about the problem with the fan motor.
Error Code E110
The Navien error code 110 informs about the strange air pressure.
Error Code E127
It means that there is an issue with the air pressure sensor. It is caused by an open or shorted air pressure sensor.
Error Code E205
This error code tells about the unusual operation of the heating supply thermistor. An open or shorted thermistor can cause it.
Error Code E218
It shows that the heating return thermistor is not working correctly. An open or short thermistor can be the root cause of this problem.
Error Code E302
It gives information about the low water pressure.
Error Code E352
This number indicates that the water pressure is high.
Error Code E353
It means there is some issue with a water pressure sensor. It can occur due to an open or short sensor.
Error Code E407
It is an indication that your warm water outlet thermistor has some problem. It normally occurs due to an open or shorted sensor.
Error Code E421
It means the cold water inlet 1 thermistor is not operating well.
Error Code E432
It is a visible sign that your device’s cold water inlet 2 thermistor is having some issues.
Error Code E434
It shows that the water adjustment valve is not operating properly.
Error Code E438
It means the circulation pump is not working properly.
Error Code E439
It tells you about the improper operation of the flow sensor.
Error Code E441 And E445
The error code E441 informs about the open thermistor or short circuit problem. The error code E445 tells about the defect of the bypass mixing valve.
Error Code E480
It tells you about the abnormality of the external tank thermistor. An open or shorted sensor causes this issue.
Error Code E515
This code indicates the unusual operation of the PCB.
Error Code E517
It shows that the DIP switch setting has some problems.
Error Code E593 and E615
The E593 code means there is some issue with the front panel key. The E615 tells you about the irregularity in input and memory.
Error Code E736 and E740
The error code E736 informs about the issue in cascade communication, and error code E740 indicates that the outdoor temperature sensor is not working correctly.
Error Code E760 And E782:
The E760 informs you that it’s time to flush your heater. Besides, the E782 indicates that there is something wrong with the main panel communication.
Error Code E783:
It means there is some issue with the OT-remote controller’s operation.
Error Code E785
It means there is some issue with the flow sensor or switch.
Error Code E787
This error informs you there is something wrong while you reset the unit.
Common Issues Of Navien Tankless Heater
Navien is renowned for producing high-quality water heaters worldwide. Initially, their products were not good enough and suffered numerous unexpected problems, but now they have stepped up, and glitches have become less frequent.
If you are using an old Navien model, here are some problems that you may have to deal with in the future or have experienced already.
Heat Exchanger Cracking
It is not a common issue, but you should be aware of it. When the heat exchanger starts to crack, it means there is a gap, and destructive exhaust gasses could enter your residence.
You will have to replace the heat exchanger because it cannot be fixed. A warranty covers the heat exchanger, so you should call the manufacturer.
Motherboard Or Control Board Failure
The motherboard or control board failure is widespread. Both are the unit’s “brains” responsible for receiving and transmitting information in the heater.
When they both stop working, it indicates that there is some major issue with the device itself. This issue frequently occurs in older models. You can easily detect this problem.
Your machine will switch off and on repeatedly. If it does not turn on and off, you will see Navien error code 003 how to fix on the display screen. This code informs you about ignition failure.
The ideal way to resolve this problem is to turn off the heater for some time and restart it. If the trouble persists, replace the control board or get in touch with the plumber for help.
Corrosion Of Navien Flow Sensor Problems
It is the most infuriating problem with the brand’s older models. The flow sensors were made of substances that were prone to rust. A flow sensor is a vital component of the tankless appliance.
It detects the incoming water flow and then turns on the heater. When the flow sensor is rusted, the unit shuts down. Corrosion accumulation will become a cause of reduced operation.
It is a temporary problem that can be fixed instantly. Turn off the device and find out the flow sensor, remove it, and blow on it. Put it back and activate the unit.
The brand has fixed this problem by changing the flow sensor materials. Nowadays, they utilize stainless steel that resists rust. If you have an older heater, replace the flow sensor with the newest one; otherwise, install a 5-micron filter in the unit.
Navien Tankless Water Heater How To Reset
If your device is not working correctly and not displaying any error code, you can reset it. Resetting is very easy and does not require any special tools or plumbing skills.
Locate the reset button on the heater’s front control panel. You can find it in the lowest corner opposite the on and off button. Press the reset button to reset your device. However, if you have tried everything but got no results, hire a plumber.
Modern tankless units are capable of creating limitless hot water to cater to whole-house needs. They incorporate innovative technology and are highly energy-efficient.
But, they are not perfect, and problems do occur sometimes. Fortunately, the brand has included numerous error codes to help you determine the issue easily.
If you cannot figure out the exact meaning of Navien no hot water no error code, recite the user’s manual or read our guide on how to reset Navien tankless water heater.
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